Thursday, January 24, 2008

A wacky weekend in Hollywood!

Congratulations! You have found the most obscure blog on the Internet! My good friend "Retired Guy" has recently created a blog so I thought I would try it as well. I really can't decide if I want to give out some of my history or just make this blog a diary of sorts. Having spent 4 years in the US Navy, followed by 10 years in law enforcement, and then 20 years in the Army, I can probably find some interesting if not hilarious stories from my past...I have seen a lot, done a lot, traveled a lot, and lived a lot.

Just for starters, I think I'll relate one of my first experiences with Retired Guy. He was a 1LT in our Army Unit (447th MP Co.) and was the "XO". Captain Wonder was our Commander and he was a free spirit to say the least. During the summer of 1984(?) we were doing duty at San Luis Obispo California. One afternoon after lunch in the mess hall, I was walking toward my "hooch". I saw Cpt Wonder heading my way. I ducked between a couple of buildings but it was too late. He yelled out "Sergeant Morris! Go pack military and civilian clothes to last 3 days and meet me at the helicopter pad in 15 minutes". When I arrived at the helicopter pad, there was a Huey warming up. Retired Guy was there also. At this point, I really did not know Retired Guy very well as he was relatively new to the unit. Anyway, the 3 of us got into the chopper and it lifted off. I asked the Captain "where are we going"? He said we were heading to Long Beach. On the way to Long Beach, the pilot flew very low over a nudist beach. I really think the rotors acted as a sandblaster on the beach goers!

Once we arrived at Long Beach we toured the Queen Elizabeth (or was it Queen Mary?) and saw Howard Hughes' "Spruce Goose". It was a very memorable day. Later we rented a car and drove to Hollywood where we found a motel. After eating dinner and walking around Hollywood for a few hours, we returned to the motel. There was 2 beds and I sensed a problem... The Captain said "since I'm the highest ranking guy here, I'll sleep in this bed, you two can have the other. I will never forget getting into bed with Retired Guy, rolling over and saying "You know LT, I don't usually sleep with someone on the first date"! I giggled over that for a couple hours! It was a great couple that I will never forget.

OK...that's enough for today...tune in occasionally. I have no idea how often I will update this or what I'll post but I will try to add something as time permits. It's actually kind of fun doing this!