Thursday, March 6, 2008

The day I met the President of the United States

In the summer of 1966 I was stationed aboard the USS Northampton CC-1. The "Grey Ghost" as she was known was a Presidential Command Ship complete with a "war room". The Grey Ghost was basically a communication ship which was 1 deck higher than any other ship in the Navy and featured the "pig stick" on the bow. The pig stick was a 156 foot (if memory serves me) stanchion that was not supported by anything...just a big steel antenna that rose from the deck. It was said we could transmit a message which would circle the earth and we could receive it at the same time. That was quite a feat in 1966. Now, you probably can do that with a cell phone!

That day in August 1966, we pulled into Portsmouth New Hampshire and picked up President Lyndon B. Johnson along with his wife Lady Bird and both daughters along with numerous other politicians, secret service agents, and staff and a Marine Captain, Charles Robb.. As you may expect, everything was cleaned, shined, painted or hidden!

Around 9:00 PM that evening, I was standing helm watch on the bridge. It was just turning dusk and the sea was absolutely calm. We were steaming toward Campobella Island Canada where the President was to meet with the Canadian Prime Minister. It was a warm evening and nothing had been said on the bridge for probably a half hour or so and we were all caught up in our own thoughts. Suddenly, the hatch behind me opened and a voice shouted out "UNITED STATES ON DECK". Wow, the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I was only inches away from President Johnson! I wanted so badly to turn around to see him but knew better. President Johnson then walked around the bridge and shook hands with everyone, including me. I was so excited I don't remember what he said to me but I know I responded "Yes Sir". The whole time I couldn't take my eyes off his ears. He had, without a doubt, the biggest ears I've ever seen on a human being! All too soon, the President, our Commander, and a couple Marines left the bridge and I was able to breathe again!

A few months after that, one of President Johnson's daughters got married to a Marine. His name was Captain Charles Robb...who later became the Commander of the Marine Detachment on board our ship. I wonder how he got that job during the Vietnam war?


mbenn391 said...

Good story. I guess you were probably 18 at the time so meeting a president was pretty cool.

Wasn't Robb somehow related to Nixon?

Retired Guy

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,

I also was on the Northampton at that time, fresh out of radar school @ Treasure Island in San Francisco. Don't remember actually getting to see Johnson, but remember being in port and picking him up. I think one of the guys from the radar gang was in the honor guard for that - long time ago. Transferred to USS Talbot DEG4 in Boston (commissioned it) sometime after that.

Did you know an RD1 Lehman, kind of a mentor / friend to me? Or any Northampton info from that period?

Doug Wallace